Weather Station Hardware > Air Quality Sensors
Purpleair webserver down
Looks like their web services are down at present. though domain is pinging.
ports 21,80,443 are open on the site so guessing Webserver application (IIS/Apache) is dead.
PurpleAir are aware of the issue and are working on it. It should be up shortly.
This scared me the other day - with sensors not shipping then the site going down, you can imagine what I thought ;-)
--- Quote from: azchrisf on January 16, 2018, 12:11:58 AM ---This scared me the other day - with sensors not shipping then the site going down, you can imagine what I thought ;-)
--- End quote ---
Yep. Mine's in transit just left LAX yesterday. The outage was not planned.
Best of luck keeping it online. Mine worked for a month, now I've apparently paid $250 for a gray dot on a map.
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