Weather Station Hardware > Air Quality Sensors
personal air pollution sensor
Got this post FaceBook $229.00 to $259.00 to by a sensor. There is maps to click on at the bottom of the web site. Here is the post on WU
Thinking about a personal air pollution sensor? Based on cost and on laboratory and field evaluations by air pollution experts, we recommend the PA-II by PurpleAir ( as the best outdoor air pollution monitor for personal use.
I got the same email as most everyone else did. I have been giving it serious consideration.
A lot will depend on the ability to integrate some of the data into my own personal web site, not just what Purple air has.
Either Purple air, or WU needs to supply everyone with a widget they can add to their station that will display the current AQI, but then link to the Purple Air for more info.
Hi guys,
Weather Display Software is intergrated with the Purple Air Sensor and data can be displayed.
Depending on the software your using you may have limitations.
I’m sure in time Purple Air will work towards some form of app or other intergration for weather buffs to add data to there website.
Data can be downloaded in JSON format from the website if you know your sensor I’d.
The actual sensors are not expensive, but Purple Air uses 2 identical ones to correlate data against itself and provide redundancy.
I sent Purple Air an Email,
I asked if they had a target date to include Ozone in their sensor.
After really thinking about it, I would do this once they include Ozone.
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