Weather Software > Heavy Weather by LaCrosse Technologies
Ws2307 does not send data at all times
The figure you can see that the sensor information is missing, between those acts and again between then does not work. Outdoor tempeature, wind etc missing.. New batteries are replaced and the calibration button is pressed (beep)
Weatherstation was a long time off and I took it again but something like this is a little disturbances.
My weatherstation homesite
Looks like the link between the console and the thermo/hygro (temp/humidity) sensor is down since you only have indoor readings. Are you running with a cable or wireless? Could try running a cable to see if interference is causing the problem with using wireless. If you are already using a cable you could try another in it's place, just be sure the wires aren't switched with the new cable.
I use wireless, i do not have a suitable cable at the moment, but I could try, you have to go shopping for the cable, and then try ..
If you go buy a 4 wire RJ-11 telephone extension cable be sure of the wire placement inside the connector ends. Some are reversed and some straight through. You want one that shows the black wire staying on the same side if you were to stretch out the cable flat so the connectors are facing away from each other.
oh, another thing that comes to mind.... You may want to check the batteries in the thermo/hygro sensor to ensure that they are making contact. I have seen where a battery is inserted but the metal contact plate is bent away enough to break the connection. Just a slight pull outward fixed it.
(along with the obvious cleaning of any corrosion on the contacts)
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