Weather Software > VWS WeatherFlash

data files not uploading



Inexplicably this morning my WeatherFlash quit working. Specifically, the wflash.txt and wflash2.txt files are not uploading to the web site.

Worse, my ajax scripts pretty much drive everything from those data files, so the main page of my site itself is not even updating:

I hadn't done anything to the PC or to the web site, so I'm stumped.


Here are three things to check...

Have you restarted the computer?
Can the computer get on the web?
Has a user name or password been changed?


Hi, Curly.

--- Quote from: Curly on October 31, 2013, 08:43:26 PM ---Here are three things to check...

Have you restarted the computer?

--- End quote ---
Yep. Several times.

--- Quote from: Curly on October 31, 2013, 08:43:26 PM ---Can the computer get on the web?

--- End quote ---
Yep. Automatic ftp's from VWS to web site are working as verified by time stamps.

--- Quote from: Curly on October 31, 2013, 08:43:26 PM ---Has a user name or password been changed?

--- End quote ---




Update:  Still need help.

The php script: shows that my web host switched to php5.4.21 at the instant my  weatherflash problem arose. The instrument panel runs. It's just that the data files wflash.txt and wflash2.txt aren't being updated (and therefore ajax uses old data).

Any ideas?

Problem resolved. For those who are interested and might benefit from the info, my web host provided replied:

--- Quote ---I've fixed the script.

It was using $HTTP_GET_VARS which is depreciated as of PHP 4.1.0:
4.1.0    Introduced $_GET that deprecated $HTTP_GET_VARS.
--- End quote ---



EDIT:  The webhost tech actually made the change in my weatherflash submit file himself. So according to him, that's a deprecated php4 command that still resides in the weatherflash script. So users beware?


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