Weather Software > Virtual Weather Station
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Garth Bock:
I am running v15.00 p05 on Win10 with no problems. I love the program too. The drag and drop setup of the desktop is what I like the best compared to other software that is locked in. ( Yeah I heard it before..unsupported... blah blah blah...along wth the same on VVPro) It gets it's data from my WiFi Logger and generates graphics that are displayed on my Kodak Wireless Photo frame. Kinda like a color Davis display but doesn't rely on the cloud or a web server. I also use SeqDownload to pull weather maps and satellite images into the same directory for display.
I would do a fresh install on the Win10 box and then apply your license. (Back up a copy of the old files first of course). Then copy your config files over. I can't find what the difference is between p03 and p05 is. Oh and Brian is correct. On Win10 after you install it. right click on the icon and select Run As Administrator. I had to do the same with VVPro.
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