Weather Software > Heavy Weather by LaCrosse Technologies
Can NOT keep HeavyWeather 1.5.4 synched to my WS2814
Whenever I minimize the program, switch to a different running application, or my screen save kicks in, within a matter of seconds (< 1 minute), my PC will disappear from the display and the weather software data on the software screen will freeze.
I had this same issue with a WS2811 that I had for a few days before I upgraded to the WS2814 (because in the description it said it was Win 8 compatible).
I am running Win8 Professional on an AMD Core6 machine running at 2.33 Mhz (I believe....typing this from work).
Funny thing is, the software has the same issues on a MSI netbook running WinXP.
I have followed all the instructions on setting the "power settings".
I am a software engineer by trade and know computers fairly well, but this has me baffled, the software cannot be written to work this way, can it?????
I have been in contact with La Crosse and they are trying to help, I'm just seeing if anyone here had this issue and figured out how to fix it?
Any help would be grealy appreciated,
Hi Bob. I run a WS-2810 and believe it's doing what you mention. The letters "PC" show on the bottom of the station console to indicate the link from it to the PC is active (according to the manual). This is the case only when the PC has the HW program running and active/on top, not minimized or another application currently active/on top.
What I've discovered (with mine anyway) is the letters "PC" will disappear when you are using/displaying something other than HW program but the link remains and data flow continues as usual. The letters reappear when you click on the window to make it active again. I'm no software engineer but guessing there's something in the HW program that toggles a bit on and off to the console in relation to the programs status (active/minimized). The manual doesn't explain this but should say more than it's to indicate the link is established. It's not a problem though as data flow isn't interrupted to the pc's logs/archives and through to online destinations.
edit: welcome to the forum!
Thank you for the kind welcome Dan, and I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner, but I never got a notification that you had replied.
I have gotten my machine to act like you describe, but it took a bit of digging.
In the "services" tab in the Administrative tool, I clicked on the HW5 service and then clicked on properties, this brings up another window.
One of the tabs in that window is "Recovery", this is telling the service what to do in the event of faults (the first 3 to be exact). I changed all 3 of them for "Do nothing" to "Restart the Service".
That did the trick!
Again, thanks for the welcome and the post....
Bob. :)
Edit: My machine would lose the "PC" permanently and it would take a re-synch (which I learned can be accomplished by pressing the "SET" button (also NOT in the manual).
I really wish someone would put the effort in to make it so that the synch (and even the displayed values) had persistence even when the app is not the main app (two 23" monitors allows for a LOT of things to have on screen!!!). Unfortunately my "software engineering" is in Embedded Systems and not Windows Applications.....
" ... but I never got a notification that you had replied. "
The notification process sends the notification to your personal e-mail account you have setup in your profile. You won't see anything telling you of additional postings to the thread on WXforum. I also had the "Notify" option selected and this morning while checking my e-mail, I saw your posting message there.
" ... Unfortunately my "software engineering" is in Embedded Systems and not Windows Applications..... "
I think you made the right choice there and maybe this should read "Luckily" instead of "Unfortunately" ;)
--- Quote ---The notification process sends the notification to your personal e-mail account you have setup in your profile. You won't see anything telling you of additional postings to the thread on WXforum. I also had the "Notify" option selected and this morning while checking my e-mail, I saw your posting message there.
--- End quote ---
Thanks for the heads up. I had checked to receive the first unread reply, but failed to check the notify by email option....
As for the Software Engineering, I've been doing it (for the same company) for the past 30 years, so I must be doing something right...
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