Weather Software > Heavy Weather by LaCrosse Technologies

Heavy Weather Pro 2800 Unhandled Exception error

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Getting an error "Unhandled Exception error: bad allocation"
This just started happening. Nothing has changed on the PC I use.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled. Was working OK A week ago.
Any ideas?

Weather Display:
sounds like a NULL pointer error or similar
what windows version?
you might have to delete the files/settings associated with the heavy weather pro software  and start over (i.e something might have goten corrupted)

I'm on Windows 7. I have the software installed on a machine that I don't use regularly. Its my media server and just sits there in another room. I've uninstalled and cleaned out the registry. reinstalled and still the same error.
Task manager say it's running. Was working fine for a long time. No suddenly this. Maybe it's time to rebuild the machine. What a headache.

Is there any other free software that would work with the 2813?

Weather Display:
is this the La Crosse 2800 type station or a WH1081 clone?


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