Weather Software > VWS WeatherFlash
wflash2.txt file empty
Hey all!
Long time no talk. Not being snobbish, but realized I was spending too much time on the forum at the expense of family and other things, so please forgive me.
A few days ago I noticed that some of my ajax scripts were not updating properly. What first caught my eye is that the ajax thermometer was no longer showing the daily high and low. I had not changed a thing in my web site nor on my weather PC that runs VWS. This is what's so confusing to me as there seems to be no reason for this sudden discrepancy.
I think it's a problem with WeatherFlash (where the ajax scripts get their data), because after some investigating I found that the data file wflash2.txt merely has
in it. VWS appears to be uploading the wflash2.txt file, because its time changes on the host server, but it simply shows "S=", and the rest of the file is empty. Additionally, my wxflash instrument page does not work. The wflash.txt data file appears to be updating properly as it shows changing data, and the ajax scripts associated with that data file update properly.
As I said, this problem seemed to occur suddenly and inexplicably. I'd greatly appreciate any help.
You can view both wxflash data files here:
--- Kevin
p.s. I've rebooted computers and restarted VWS several times, and I get the same problem in both FireFox, Google Chrome, and IE.
I encountered this EXACT problem last week on 2 different websites I run using data from 2 independent systems. I use the submit.php method in WeatherFlash to upload my data. I tried using the FTP as an alternative solution and this seems to be working. Both files look correct on my local system and on the remote server. I'm going to stick with this method until I can figure out what happened with submit.php.
Interestingly, this very same event happened a couple of years. Out of the blue, wflash2 was getting messed up, but nothing had changed on my VWS system. At that time I switched over to FTP for a couple of weeks. Then, the submit.php process seemed to start working again so I switched back. Everything had been fine...up until last week.
--- Quote from: SteveFitz1 on May 29, 2013, 06:02:03 PM ---
I encountered this EXACT problem last week on 2 different websites I run using data from 2 independent systems. I use the submit.php method in WeatherFlash to upload my data. I tried using the FTP as an alternative solution and this seems to be working. Both files look correct on my local system and on the remote server. I'm going to stick with this method until I can figure out what happened with submit.php.
Interestingly, this very same event happened a couple of years. Out of the blue, wflash2 was getting messed up, but nothing had changed on my VWS system. At that time I switched over to FTP for a couple of weeks. Then, the submit.php process seemed to start working again so I switched back. Everything had been fine...up until last week.
--- End quote ---
Hi, Steve!
Wow, that is quite a coincidence. Thanks for letting me know. I had checked the forum for a few days but didn't see an indication that anyone else was dealing with this issue. Thanks for letting me know! I'll try the ftp method for a while and see how that works. Strange.
A lot of activity out there, eh? Seems that true spring has actually arrived. I can't imagine what you folks in TX, OK, and KS are experiencing. We had several tornadoes last evening here in MI, including one confirmed just a few miles south of us and another confirmed just a few miles north of us. I was busy tracking them on GRLevel3.
Thanks again!
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