Weather Related Organizations > CoCoRaHS
Waiting in soggy Washington...
Monsoon Mike:
I ordered the 4" pro rainguage from CoCoRaHS and will get it mounted on my wx station as soon is it arrives, but it will be sometime in June before our state comes online. I checked the website, but don't see any information about preliminary preparation. Do they wait until it's official before signing up volunteers?
I don't think I'll bother with the hail board, since it has never hailed in Western Washington in the 32 years I've been here (tiny snow pellets about as close as it gets). Having grown up farming in W. Kansas, I think I've still got a few knots on my head from some the monster hail storms I got caught in while working the fields, so am glad we're spared that here!
You'll enjoy having the 4" Professional Rain Gauge..they are accurate suckers! Glad to see your state will be coming on board. You'll have LOTS of practice by the time you can start posting rainfall amounts. Welcome to COCORAHS!
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