Author Topic: Weatherlink console - intermittent loss of outdoor temperature / humidity  (Read 130 times)

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Offline kba293

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I have a new Vantage Pro 2 weather station with both a new Weatherlink console and a legacy Vantage Pro 2 console.  I kept the Vantage Pro 2 console from my previous setup, and use both in different rooms of my house.

I noticed that the outdoor temperature and humidity sometimes do not display on the Weatherlink console.  A dashed line appears instead.  These values continue to update and display on the Vantage Pro 2 console however.  After a short time, the Weatherlink console starts displaying these again.

What would cause this?  I don't think it's an issue with the outdoor unit, because the old console still receives and displays these parameters.

Offline Mattk

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So only outside Temp/Humidity not showing at times on the new Weatherlink console, Wind speed/direction (& rain) are 100% across both displays?

Is there any specific or consistent times this occurs? What is the proximity/distance of the new display compared to the VP2 console? However if it is signal/distance related then one would expect no reception across all sensors? 

Offline kba293

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Yes, just the outside temperature and humidity go away.  Outside wind speed and rain continue to display. 

The old Vantage Pro 2 console is actually located further away from the outdoor unit compared to the Weatherlink console.

