Miscellaneous Debris > Tech Corner



I don't know if I'm asking the right place, but something weird ha happened to my website. I can upload files just fine, but my website doesn't display the changes. I have contacted my hosting service and they say it's not on their end. They told me to contact the developer. I have installed all the recent updates.

My site won't update my forecast, webcam image, Meteobridge FTP, or Meteobridge weather data.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


One common issue with FTP to a website is not having the correct path to the website document root specified in the FTP setup.

Some hosters use httpdocs, some use public_html, some use www .. it depends on the hoster.

using check-fetch-times.php?show=info shows your document root is  /home/empwnet/public_html .  Your FTP user may default to /home/empwnet so you might have to put 'public_html/' in the path for your FTP setup to get the files in the right place for web use.

Thank you for the feedback. It WAS an issue with the hosting service. I finally got ahold of someone today who knew what they were doing. \:D/


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