Weather Software > VWS WeatherFlash

WxFlash demo setup problem

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I've followed the setup instructions, but when I click "Lock" it kick me out of the editor, back to the default page. What I just added can't be see. When I go back into the editor my changes are no longer there. What am I missing?

Default user/pass have at it.

This is usually an indication that permissions are not set correctly on the server.  All files and folders should be set to 777 at the beginning.  They can be tightened up once you have it working.  Give that a try and let us know.

Are you using ASP or PHP?  If PHP what version?

Removed last post comments...

I just read Jay's upgrading PHP 4 to 5  thread. I'm not upgrading, but I am running PHP v5. I've modified the scripts per Ken's suggestion, and now at least my weather elements are saving.

Support is via ourselves at since we are the software authors for WeatherFlash.


--- Quote from: Meteorologica on September 16, 2008, 04:18:10 PM ---Support is via ourselves at since we are the software authors for WeatherFlash.

--- End quote ---

Please edit your WFevelhelp.php file. Page 4 section 2. To say what version of PHP your product does and doesn't support. PHP 5 isn't new.

WeatherFlash is an interface to Ambient’s Virtual Weather Station and is
designed to run with Virtual Weather Station Internet Edition v11.03A or
You may host your own web server or use a remote one. There are no extra
requirements of the web server except that it needs to be able to run Active
Server Pages or PHP so that you can customize the interface.
--- End quote ---


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