Web Weather > Weather Website PHP/AJAX scripting
Where are the scripts?
--- Quote from: K6GKM on March 13, 2024, 10:25:06 AM ---
--- Quote from: tmabell on March 13, 2024, 05:32:57 AM ---It looks like a Weather Message Map (WxMesg).
--- End quote ---
Quite correct, this is a Weather Message generated map.
--- End quote ---
I’m running my site on a dedicated raspberry pi 5, so unfortunately an x86 program isn’t an option. Thanks anyways.
On another note, I cannot get https://ballcock.us/thermometer.php working.
Before anyone asks, I’ve owned that domain for a while, and the name is part of a toilet. It rolls off the tongue a little better than vaughnsville weather. ;)
The thermometer.php doesn't display due to embedded tab character (x09) in front of the image generated.
That tab character is before the <?php at the start of Settings.php -- delete that so the <?php is the first set of characters in the file then the thermometer should display correctly.
Also.. your site is having problems finding clientraw.txt in your home directory .. did you set weewx realtime to upload clientraw.txt to your document root (if not, you need to do so). Having Settings-weather.php with
--- Quote ---$SITE['clientrawfile'] = '../clientraw.txt'; // directory and name of clientraw.txt file
--- End quote ---
won't work -- you can't reference files via the web access that are in directories above your document root. It needs to be
--- Quote ---$SITE['clientrawfile'] = './clientraw.txt'; // directory and name of clientraw.txt file
--- End quote ---
to work correctly (and have weewx realtime upload the file to the document root).
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