Weather Related Organizations > AWEKAS

AWEKAS being a bit rude and intolerant?

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up10ad N9RJH:
I received the following email today from AKEWAS, complaining that my pressure is reading too low, and to that I have used one of my webcams to temporarily point to my foaling pen:

> Dear AWEKAS Member
> Your station is sending invalid values to AWEKAS Weather Network. One of our operators has disabled the following sensor(s):
> air pressure (wrong value: 991.4hPa )
> The blocking of the sensor(s) is for 24 hours and will be automatically removed at Mon, 24.05.2010 19:11 UTC
> Please check your sensors and transmission unit.
> If this mail is unjustified please contact us by mail at
> The administrator has added the following note: Air pressure 10-12 haPa too low. On a weatherwebcam i expect landscape and heaven, not a mare and its foal.

My cam (one of two) makes it clear that it is only temporarily pointed at the mare and foal, and I'll be darned if some PWS compiler located 10,000 miles away is going to tell me what I can do with my personal station.

Mine is a Personal Weather Station, and a very professional one at that.  My viewers are local and regional, and they actually like watching the foals being born on cam each year.  It is one of the things that makes my weather site much more appealing to my visitors that other weather sites.

I'm not at all happy and have have pulled the plug on AWEKAS.  Your comments are welcome.

I am behind you.  =D>

    Good Job!!  =D> =D> =D>

Good call!  =D>

up10ad N9RJH:
As this settles into my brain I can't help but wonder why a site like AWEKAS, that relies on volunteers to freely contribute their data, would behave in such a manner.  As most of you know, I run and, apart from requiring data from an actual weather station, I wouldn't dream of suggesting what is or is not appropriate content for any member site. 


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