Weather Related Organizations > AWEKAS
Awekas Plus upgrade.
I noticed today that the Awekas site has an optional upgrade you can choose. It includes adding several more gages to the control/display panel, precip., rain rate, wind gusts, UV, and solar radiation. There claims to be the option of putting this control panel on your website as well. The trade off is you allow Awekas to farm out your data to 3rd party organizations.
W Thomas:
I noticed that yesterday as well.. Didn't know exactly how to take it honestly but I checked to allow data to be used elsewhere. No big deal to me actually as I control the switch :lol: and can always turn it off if need be. But then again if my data helps someone else along the way that's OK too.
I would much rather help than hurt :-)
Dan, you're missing out on a nice little snow storm over in Virginia currently \:D/ \:D/
--- Quote from: W Thomas on December 18, 2009, 04:43:15 PM ---I noticed that yesterday as well.. Didn't know exactly how to take it honestly but I checked to allow data to be used elsewhere. No big deal to me actually as I control the switch :lol: and can always turn it off if need be. But then again if my data helps someone else along the way that's OK too.
I would much rather help than hurt :-)
Dan, you're missing out on a nice little snow storm over in Virginia currently \:D/ \:D/
--- End quote ---
I've been trying to following that system from here when I get a chance Wayne. Hopefully it stays a "nice little snow storm" as you say and doesn't cause any problems for anyone. Good timing for the holidays. That's something that doesn't happen very often, at least for the 20+ years I lived around there. Enjoy it if you can!
W Thomas:
You're sure right this kind of weather doesn't happen in my area often for sure!
I was looking at the forecast discussion and they were referring to this storm as much like the one of January 1996.
We're currently under a Winter Storm Warning with a predicted storm total of 12-18" . Currently have about 4-5" here currently.
We carried in plenty of wood and coal, picked up gas for the generator and we have lots to eat so ....yep guess were ready :lol:
It does sound like you have things under control there. Be sure to take some pics to share with us "less fortunate" ones. :grin:
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