Weather Station Hardware > Weather Web Cams

Logitech Pro 5000 "on" light...

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W7DRM (old call was W3DRM):
Got a Logitech Pro 5000 webcam for Christmas and am using it to view the weather outside my house. I have one little problem with it - the green "on" light on the camera itself is being reflected in the window it's shooting through. Is there any way to turn off the light? If not, I'm thinking about placing a piece of black electrical tape over it so it doesn't look like I have a UFO floating outside my front window.  :lol:

What kind of software are you using to run your cam online? I use webcamxp and it gives you the ability to disable the light. I did look at the 5000 but decided not to buy it because I wanted to get the lens as close as I could to the plexiglass on my outdoor enclosures. If you notice on the cam I purchased (QuickCam for Notebooks Pro) below the lens stick out about a 1/2 inch so it will always be flush. It has the Right Light 2 technology with 1.3Mpixel and only the size of a pack of gum. BTW, I saw your cam the other day and the mountains looked really cool! Here's a link to the webcams below. The Beach Parkway and Aqualinda Cam is currently down. Going to have to fix that tomorrow.

Would a piece of electrical tape over the light work for now?

Mark / Ohio:
I vote for the handyman's secret weapon.  Duct Tape!   :mrgreen:

Notice I used the "Mr Green" avatar as in Red Green.


--- Quote ---If not, I'm thinking about placing a piece of black electrical tape over it so it doesn't look like I have a UFO floating outside my front window.
--- End quote ---

That is exactly how I fixed that very issue with my Logitech 4000. Has worked just fine for 2 years now. :D


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