Weather Software > Other Weather Software
wview no longer in development?
I hate to make this the first post in this forum, but wview seems to have stopped development at version 3.2.1.
I've checked Mark Teel's site, and even there the user base seems a bit concerned.
Anybody heard anything?
Don't know. Could be a lot of reasons why he's not involved in future development. Hopefully nothing bad........
But this is open source, so the code is there for us to modify. I'm not too familiar with C/C++ but there are some things I'd like to fix up. Maybe this is a good opportunity to start picking apart the code to find out how it works. Its a great piece of software, runs reliably and its compatibility with WeatherLink means I can always take the data and go back to WeatherLink should that need arise.
Can I have a link to WView? You're not referring to WeatherView32 are you? Sorry for my ignorance.
EDIT: Disregard, I followed the link to MHWeather's site and found a link to WView there.
DOH - I'm feeling a bit stupid. This is the linux/unix/macOs software not the WeatherView32. Disregard ALL of my comments. :P
--- Quote from: "DundeeWeather" ---
DOH - I'm feeling a bit stupid. This is the linux/unix/macOs software not the WeatherView32. Disregard ALL of my comments. :P
--- End quote ---
I'm going to guess, and say it's because it's cold there, yer brain must be frozen over :lol:
--- Quote from: "mhweather" ---
But this is open source, so the code is there for us to modify. I'm not too familiar with C/C++ but there are some things I'd like to fix up. Maybe this is a good opportunity to start picking apart the code to find out how it works. Its a great piece of software, runs reliably and its compatibility with WeatherLink means I can always take the data and go back to WeatherLink should that need arise.
--- End quote ---
Well, maybe we should make up a request list. Manipulating the data shouldn't be too hard (as I recall) for various calculations.
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