Web Weather > Weather Website PHP/AJAX scripting

NWPS API 403 Error


I've been using the API since it was launched last year and now, I'm getting 403 errors when making calls via CRON (every 15 minutes).

I'm guessing my host server is being blocked for some reason?

It could be due to too high a frequency of accesses.

What API queries are you running and how often?

I'm doing 18 calls every 15 minutes.  A call for current observation, observed and forecast for 6 gauges.

i.e. for one of the gauges:


I'd suggest writing to nco.ops@noaa.gov to report the issue. 
Be sure to include the IP address of the webserver in your message.  Some automated process may have put your server on a block-list and needs to be removed.

PS .. I had an issue with mapservices.weather.noaa.gov and 403 responses today.  They addressed the problem and it was solved quickly.


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