Web Weather > Weather Website PHP/AJAX scripting

Summary / Temperature Text area is blank: Saratoga template


For several days I've been missing the text that generally shows up in the top area of the Summary / Temperature corner of the Saratoga weather template.  This area generally shows a brief description of the weather, like "Clear" or "Night time / Cold", etc..  Recently, my website simply shows "----".

I suspect that I've done something to mess this up, but I cannot find where that would be.  I would be very appreciative if anyone can help me.

The website is:  https://www.hburg-wx.net/


Looking at https://www.hburg-wx.net/check-fetch-times.php?show=settings shows there's no Settings-weather.php for Weather-Display on your site.. the template doesn't know quite what to do with your station
The Settings.php appears to be from a V2 template.  You should update it using the V2 to V3 update tool.

Thanks for finding that!  I think I have fixed the missing Settings-weather.php issue.  But, the missing text persists after I've added version 1.01 of this missing php file.

Can you think of anything else that I should find/fix?

Again, thanks.

It's definitely a WD setting that's missing.

Your testtags.php has
--- Quote ---   $weathercond = 'Dry';
   $Currentsolardescription = '--- ';
   $current_summary = $Currentsolardescription;

--- End quote ---
and your clientraw.txt has
--- Quote ---49   Weather Desc   Label   ---
--- End quote ---

Try doing the setup at http://saratoga-weather.org/wxtemplates/setup-WD.php

Thanks Ken!  Your help got me looking in the right direction (clientraw.txt file), and I found a checkbox that I somehow enabled that turned on uploading  current conditions from a nearby METAR.  I turned that off and it was fixed.

Thank you for being so generous with your time and help!  Happy Holidays.


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