Web Weather > Weather Website PHP/AJAX scripting
Normal/Record Hi/Lo
On my Home Page at valleweather.com, I am using the Excel spreadsheet method provided by 92merc to show Normal Hi, Normal Lo, Record Hi and Record Lo for the current day. I would like to now include that data on 3 stand-alone pages for 3 other cities using the noaarec.php script. Those cities are in the horizontal drop-down menu on my home page. For each city there is separate php file with weather information for that city. Each city also has a separate php file for normals and records. So for Chicago, I have noaarecord.php, Muskegon is noaarecmkg.php and Raleigh is noaarecrah.php. Each of those files includes their respective wfo and sid. On the weather page for each city, I have the include_once ("noaarecord.php") for Chicago, include_once ("noaarecmkg.php") for Muskegon and include_once ("noaarecrah.php") for Raleigh. Debug seems to work for each city. Raleigh seems to work. However, the server shows a fourth txt file called noaarecdat.txt which is Chicago data and this seems to be the file that is read on the Muskegon weather page and maybe the Chicago weather page. How do I force the script to read the correct txt file? Thanks to anyone that can provide help.
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