Web Weather > Custom Website Templates
Saratoga template does not recharge.
I am new to this forum. I installed the Saratoga mondo template a few days ago, can you tell me how to automatically update the data received from my weather station? On my template there is this writing: Updates paused - reload page to start. I attach to my request for help the page https://meteogm.altervista.org/mb/wxindex.php of my site, can you also kindly tell me the reason why the weather forecast images are not loaded correctly?
Thanking you for a reply, greetings :lol:
For the missing icons in the forecast, change Settings.php from
--- Quote ---$SITE['fcsticonstype']= '.jpg'; // default type='.jpg' -- use '.gif' for animated icons from http://www.meteotreviglio.com/
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---$SITE['fcsticonstype']= '.gif'; // default type='.jpg' -- use '.gif' for animated icons from http://www.meteotreviglio.com/
--- End quote ---
.. you don't seem to have the .jpg icons on your site.
The 'Updates Paused' message happens by default. The setting in ajaxMBwx.js is
--- Quote ---var maxupdates = 20; // Maxium Number of updates allowed (set to zero for unlimited)
--- End quote ---
which turns off automatic updates after 20 updates.
set it to
--- Quote ---var maxupdates = 0; // Maxium Number of updates allowed (set to zero for unlimited)
--- End quote ---
to suppress the 'updates paused' message and continue updates continuously.
You can use https://meteogm.altervista.org/mb/wxstatus.php to monitor the status of your Meteobridge uploads to your site
I hope this helps...
[tup]Very kind, thanks to your instructions I solved: https://meteogm.altervista.org/mb/wxindex.php
If I can take advantage of your kindness again, I wanted to ask you how I have to add the graphs below the table with the recorded data and how to complete with the links in the left menu.
Thanks for the help.
The basic MB-plugin does not provide any graphs (Meteobridge doesn't generate graphs locally).
What are the graph images you wish to add? (URLs)
The links on the left flyout menu are all set in flyout-menu.xml -- that is where you add new pages to your site.
See: https://saratoga-weather.org/wxtemplates/menubar-config.php for directions.
CAUTION: an invalid XML syntax in that file will cause your site to cease operating until the XML error is corrected, so BE CAREFUL.
[tup] Very kind. thanks for the timely information, I will proceed with the template configuration.
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