Weather Station Hardware > Davis Instruments Weather Stations

Weatherlink console - intermittent loss of outdoor temperature / humidity

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You're almost certainly correct but I thought that the sensors were carried in different packets, the wind being sent much more often (2sec?) than the rain or temp/humidity? If you lost 75% of the wind packets you may not notice but you may on the slower temperature packets, just a thought? The new console could generate more electrical noise, it has a much faster processor, WiFi and is the backlight on all the time which could make it slightly less sensitive? If both RF diagnostic screens show exactly the same packet loss then it must be something else but personally I would want to confirm it.

There just appears issue after issue with these new Weatherlink consoles compared to the well proven and stable VP2 console. After all the years of complained about the old VP2 console, lack of a colour console etc this is what they got to replace it, a colour console that is inferior, doesn't work half the time, lower reception levels and modeled around a pure subscription base with a deliberate lack of local external connectability  =D&gt;.       

Let's not go on guesswork. The 6313 console has a perfectly good screen for monitoring reception (much better than the legacy console actually).

Go to the Device Information screen and click the right arrow beside the ISS transmitter. See what the RSSI and packet reception stats look like. From memory I think you can call up an RSSI graph vs time from there. Is there any sign of dropout?

Here are diagnostic screenshots from both consoles. 

Thanks. So reception is relatively weak, at least at times. I really like to see better (ie less negative) than -90dBm. Not sure why the RSSI improved in the afternoon, unless the sun came out brightly or some source of interference disappeared. This is just looking back 24 hours I think. What happens if you look at a graph of outside temperature over that same period. Were there any dropouts? And, if so, when please?

And sorry but I've no idea where Cross Plains is. Is the temperature unusually low at present?


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