Web Weather > Custom Website Templates

updating my include-astronomy.php page


I seem to be having an issue with my include-wxastronomy.php file I get the following error,   Fatal error: Cannot redeclare langtrans() (previously declared in www.allshouse.net/Test1/include-wxastronomy.php:415) in www.allshouse.net/Test1/common.php on line 72.  Any ideas what can be causing this?

I updated the common.php file this morning because the old file did not include the updated dates through 2030, I also updated the test tags.txt file to add in the needed lines of code for suntransit and moontransit etc.

Thank you for your help

Jasiu / JJ:
Took a look at the code via https://www.allshouse.net/Test1/include-wxastronomy.php?sce=view

--- Code: ---if(!function_exists('langtrans') ) {

  function langtrans($input) {

print $input;



if (isset($_GET["frame"])) $generate_FrameCode = $_GET["frame"];

if ((include_once "testtags.php") == 0)

   exit("This script requires WD testtags.php for the moon info");

if ((include_once "common.php") == 0) {

   function langtransstr($word) {

   global $translations;

      if (isset($translations[$word])) {

         if ($word==$translations[$word]) // highlight non translated text

              return '<span style="background-color: red; color: yellow;">'.$word.'</span>';

         else return $translations[$word];

      } // highlight text not in translation table

      else return '<span style="background-color: red; color: yellow;">'.$word.'</span>';



--- End code ---

The check for langtrans that is at the top of this section should go inside "if ((include_once "common.php") == 0) {".  That's because common.php is where the function is located. Not sure why this even needs to be checked, though. Maybe for a stand-alone mode?


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