Web Weather > Custom Website Templates

Looking for some help with wxriverpage.php and wxriverdetail.php


I am trying to set up the above mentioned pages and seem to be having an issue.  I have them posted on my testing page before I make them public at www.allshouse.net/Test1/wxriverpage.php and /Test1/wxriverdetail.php.  I have not setup a cron job or other method of automatically updating the /Test1/River/river-fetch.php, I just manually execute the file when I want to update the data.  The time interval is set to about 15 minutes between available queries.  I have 3 rivers loaded in the /River/river-config.php file, when I execute /River/river-fetch.php it updates a text file for each of the 3 rivers. However the 3 text files contain no data in them.  I have read on an old post from 2018 something about an xml file that I don't seem to have. 

Any information or help would be greatly appreciated.


I believe the source of the script is: https://eastmasonvilleweather.com/downloads.php  and it looks like support stopped in 2015.

Thank you Dan, with that being said I have seen other sites that are running a script that shows river levels and river data.  Does anyone know where one can find an updated / new script for this information.

Thank you

Take a look at this fairly recent thread.  It should be of help to you:


Thank you so much for the link to the new script.  I downloaded it and it is running great on my test site.


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