Weather Station Hardware > Barani Design Weather Stations and Accessories
Barani Meteoshield Pro III vs Davis FARS24H vs Apogee TS100
Meteorology fan:
I'm opening a thread in which I will separately describe my tests and thoughts on the Barani Meteoshield Pro III. I will illustrate the advantages and disadvantages independently of each shield. They are used in comparison Sensirion SHT35 without filters in each shield. In addition, for redundancy of air temperature measurements I use PT1000 with loggers and calibration in each shield. The recording interval for the PT1000 is 1 minute and there is time synchronization to 1 s with the local time in Poland.
#-o It is important to realise that the Apogee's ventilation decreases more significantly at times, resulting in greater smoothing than at 6 m/s without ventilation holes, as both the sensor and the shelter wall become slower and no longer capture the same amplitude of the real variation. If the ventilation hole is too long, of course at some point, depending on the time constant of the Apogee without ventilation and whether or not these x extra turns are necessary for the given radiation and wind, the T will drift higher
more slowly without as much noise, and without the usual major peaks and troughs, because the rise is already relatively slow in the event of total shutdown #-o
Meteorology fan:
Conditions in Poland have recently been windy and undemanding, hence the significant difference in targets is not noted. Below are sample charts for the last day, on which there were flashes of sunshine, but with clear wind.
Meteorology fan:
Yesterday highlighted the shortcomings of the Barani Meteoshield Pro III, which overheated in the autumn sun and low sun angle. The sun was about 15 degrees above the horizon, compared to about 60 degrees in summer at my place. Apogee and Davis were going evenly with each other on the PT1000. Of great note is that the SHT-35 is not suitable for comparison charts in strongly changing conditions, when we rely on data from the Ecowitt server and a lot of discrepancies in the charts arise.
We perceive that in low wind conditions the Davis FARS24H and Apogee TS100 provide better protection against overheating. If the wind had been even weaker yesterday, the radiation error generated by the Barani Meteoshield Pro III would have been even greater.
Maximum temperatures differed between the calibrated PT1000 and SHT35 in different shields by up to a few tenths. Based on the PT1000, the Barani overheated by about 0.3 deg.C relative to the Apogee TS100 and Davis FARS24H.
Loggers at PT1000 unusually started at 7:50 a.m. rather than 0:00 a.m. local time. This was due to the occurrence of a larger area of flare-ups than shown by numerical models and weaker winds. Therefore, as soon as the sun rose higher and higher above the horizon, I remotely programmed the PT1000 loggers for a one-minute interval and 1s synchronization.
Charts and tables below.
0.3C is nothing if it’s a single day, the Davis overheats 0.3C pretty much every day in summer lol.
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