Weather Station Hardware > Other Weather Station Hardware

Logia 7in 1 issue

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3 AA batteries nominally total 4.5 volts, so essentially that is USB voltage. So you might be able to "roll your own" with a spare USB wallwart and cord. Cut off the end that would plug into the device you would recharge. Find a way to hold the wire ends in place in the battery compartment. A short piece of wood dowel similar in size to an AA battery could work.

I actually just finished watching a YouTube video on using a small dowel same size as the battery and screws on each end for connection. Checked on Amazon and only $15 for an AA 4.5v unit. If it was more expensive I’d probably just make my own like you described. Thanks for the help,greatly appreciated!

Is there a solar panel or is this the model without one? It could be the thermo/hygro sensor is bad, as that can cause battery drain.

There is a small solar panel,approximately 3” X 3/4”.


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