Weather Software > WeeWX Software
Driver for ECOWITT WS2910 weather station
Hi - sorry this may have been answered somewhere else but a search came back with nothing. This is my first post so please be gentle. I have an ECOWITT WS2910 weather station which appears to be a Fine Offset family clone which includes the Froggitt WH3000SE and the Ambient WS-2902A/B amongst others. I looked in the driver list and could see nothing that matched any of the named units above. I don't doubt I'm looking in the wrong place or just not understanding the protocol. Could someone point me in the right direction?
I dont think you can update that model
Thank you G.Brown. Perhaps I'm asking the wrong question. Can the ECOWITT WS2910 weather station be run using WEEWX? Why I asked for the driver was that the web page showing me how to connect the system to WEEWX told me to choose a driver. Perhaps that website was wrong or I just misunderstood. If my system can be run on WEEWX - perhaps someone could point me to a better website detailing how to connect. I'm an experienced Linux user - so quite capable of installing via terminal code.
I'd say yes. The sensor looks like a WS69 which appears to be supported in the driver, but the WS2910 console doesn't appear explicitly in the code. It's a little unclear how many other sensors you can add to that console but it sure looks like it should work. If you have questions the weewx-user google group is where you should actually ask. The driver author hangs out there.
Thanks Vince. I thought I might be looking in the wrong place - but this website came up first in my search for information. Ecowitt do have an app for phones but as I do everything from computer terminal - I wanted to explore that avenue. I will go to weewx-user group. Thank you all for your replies.
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