Weather Software > WeatherLink/ by Davis Instruments
Is it possible to transfer data from WeatherLink Console to WeatherLink Live?
Hi Everyone,
I've searched through the forum and can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for so I am hoping someone here can help?
The scenario:
I have a Vantage Vue that I bought as a bundle along with the new 6313AU WeatherLink Console earlier this year. Next came an AirLink and then a 3-year WeatherLink Pro subscription. I'll be upgrading the system further soon with an extra 6332AU sensor transmitter and Vantage Pro anemometer which is destined for a mast mounting.
I've had great fun with everything so far but really was wanting a system that could send alarms of my choosing to me via email upon request as I do work away on occasion. (SMS would have been even better but I see that functionality has been disabled by Davis for now...) The WeatherLink Console can generate local audible alarms (great!) but that is all unfortunately. It can't be configured by to send alarm emails- only a daily summary of (mostly) instantaneous values is possible which falls a bit short of what I was wanting. (2 minute max. wind-speed and current AQI (assuming woodsmoke) alarms to be precise.)
So I've bought a new 6100AU WeatherLink Live, set it up in parallel with my WeatherLink Console and it is now happily taking data from my Vue and able to send the email alarms I wanted via AirLink is happy to communicate with it too when I tried experimenting. Unexpectedly, it is also communicating directly with my WeatherLink Console which is now allowing me to simply swipe across its screen to display the WLL readings as well- very cool! (The WLL derived anemometer reading is admittedly slower- but that doesn't really matter to me. The WLC does work great in that regard and will remain pride of place on my wall.) The WLC can even receive and display alarms sent from the WLL which is another unexpected bonus.
But ultimately, what I'd like to do somehow is switch my Pro Subscription from my WLC over to my WLL (easy part) and then re-assign all the Vue ISS data I've previously collected via my WLC to my WLL instead. (Meaning: I want to see the same good ol' Shady Acres Wx. Vantage Vue ISS historical data from April 2024 onward on, but a via new upload method if that makes sense?)
Possible? Or no?
I've seen that logger data can be assigned to a WeatherLink Live via Windows PC WeatherLink program, but unsure as to if (or how) the WeatherLink Console data can be retrieved? Or just re-assigned online?
Thanking everyone in advance for your help and patience- I'm pretty new at this so may have missed the relevant info somehow and I sincerely hope the answer hasn't been staring me in the face! (I'm yet to reach out to Davis directly- WA Australia to the US is a 12 hour time difference so phoning them is almost unthinkable... I thought I may as well try here first!)
Pretty sure that there is no easy way to do this**.
The underlying problem seems to be that seems to regard each type of upload device as having a different data profile from the others, even if it's probably only minimally different in some cases, like WLL and WLC I'm guessing. But to migrate data from one device type to another would require a complex profile translation utility to be written for Maybe this will come in the future, but no sign of being available at present and to the best of my knowledge.
**Edit: Let me just clarify. Easy to switch Pro sub between devices (assuming they are in the same user account). Not easy to migrate existing WLC data to WLL device.
Wow! Thank you so much for the quick and concise answer. Very much appreciated mate!
My immediate plan I guess will be to simply continue on the same route I’ve been taking and run the WLC and WLL in parallel. (One for its visual appeal and the other for its alarm functionality.) Both are now uploading to my WeatherLink account so going forward I’ll have some redundancy if one or the other suddenly fails. The pair do seem to complement each other quite well to be honest (!) [tup]
Note: I have never used Davis equipment! :D
But ... I think the email alerts could be accomplished by uploading the Davis data to a 'local' weather server, perhaps CumulusMx for example, and having that system send alarms via email.
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