Weather Software > WeatherLink/ by Davis Instruments
Davis WL will not produce images or graphs
New Davis Vantage Pro 6163
Vantage Vue console (need to look at firmware)
DIY data logger
Weatherlink 6.5
CP210x USB to Serial converter
Also running Weatherdisplay-for the main info
I would like Weatherlink to create a few graphs, TSHW, Dew point, a few others. But it wont. It will download the info, but stops. I get these errors.
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It will not work with VVP. Running tcp/ip.
It will work if I am not going through VVP.
I also took out the batteries, pulled the logger, and all the other stuff to reset it.
Garth has been a big help here, but I dont want to keep bugging him. He is busy too.
Any solutions are great. I am also working on setting up VPSE
Garth Bock:
Could you list the steps that you take to produce this error ?
I have 2 test setups...
1) DIY Logger and cable on an Envoy running 3.88 firmware with VVPro and VPSE. WL is on a TCP channel
2) Davis Logger on an Envoy running 3.88 firmware on VVPro and VPSE. WL on a TCP channel.
Walk me through the steps of generating the graphs. I would like to see if my test set up will produce the same results. I can click on Plot and Strip charts and those work fine.
I know it works fine without VVPro and VPSE, but it could still be something with the cable or DIY logger in combination with the software.
That is about it. just trying to do this.
Internet settings....
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hit ok.
It downloads, then stops and will not produce any of this. I do have to go in tomorrow so I can see the firmware on the console.
Wondering if I installed the correct serial to USB converter, But it both programs are working well. or if there is some .dll that the computer does not have.
What does your Setup>Internet Settings window look like?
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I dont have it set at a time because it is not working
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