Weather Related Organizations >

Summer Updates


NWROrg Team:
The 'Top Ten' stream list is now a permanent feature...

Thanks to "Christian" we were made aware that the "Tropical Weather Outlook" was not updating, and contacted MFL.
That audio is now reactivated.

MANY issues last few weeks with TOR and other abusive IPs hitting the Icecast, and causing disruption. Ken has been blocking IPs as fast as we detect them, and has an automatic script running to detect and block certain types.  He blocked about a half dozen overnight, for example.

Invariably that has potential to affect your access, but as far as we can tell, only a couple have been affected.  Contact us using the form if you feel you're affected some how...

We recently 'upgraded' the "Lessons Learned" Weather Ready Nation portion of the website... media now is better quality.

You can supply a stream... listen 'here', and/or see
THIS LINK will tell you EXACTLY what your mount name should be! No Guessing!!!

The outages yesterday (12-Jul-2024) at 6-7am and 10-11am (Pacific) were caused by two different IP addresses with runaway Python scripts connecting to mountpoints -- the server 'choked up'.  We've blocked those miscreants and put in measures to block such access in the future.  Please note that we do not allow harvesting of our streams -- they are intended for end-user listeners only.  Abusers will be summarily blocked.

Thanks again for all of your hard work.  It's much appreciated.

If they started leeching off my secondary stream, I wouldn't have the resources to play whack a mole.  I'd have to shut it down for awhile.


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