Weather Software > WeatherLink/ by Davis Instruments
Data not visible in Weatherlink app after update 6313 console
Data of my 6313 console is not visible anymore on the Weatherlink app
Also my station is not visible on the map on the console
My airlink data is shown in the app
Seems like after an update to the latest software/firmware on the console it is not visible anymore
Also a reboot did not solve the problem
On the website of Weatherlink my station is also not updating only the airlink is
Data is not updated since 5 July after 3 am
Last update of console is also 5 July....
Anyone else experience the same?
My WLC is continuing to upload fine to post F/W update, so it's not a general problem. A question for Davis support I think, who will maybe suggest a P-button reset? But they will be able to tell you if data from your MAC address is being received or not at (Make sure you quote your DID in any email to support.)
I contacted Davis support
I had to go offline, reboot the console and then log back into Weatherlink
Now data is visible and updated
--- Quote from: wsNoordbergum on July 08, 2024, 05:02:20 PM ---I contacted Davis support
I had to go offline, reboot the console and then log back into Weatherlink
Now data is visible and updated
--- End quote ---
Reboot? Do you mean Factory Reset or just Reset?
--- Quote from: Archipelago on July 27, 2024, 01:09:03 PM ---
--- Quote from: wsNoordbergum on July 08, 2024, 05:02:20 PM ---I contacted Davis support
I had to go offline, reboot the console and then log back into Weatherlink
Now data is visible and updated
--- End quote ---
Reboot? Do you mean Factory Reset or just Reset?
--- End quote ---
Just the reset. After the console woke up it request you to connect to with your UN and PW. After some minutes everything worked as before.
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