Weather Station Hardware > Weather Web Cams

Reolink streaming camera

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--- Quote from: ValentineWeather on June 30, 2024, 09:41:54 AM ---Added a Reolink streaming camera to the website, I have all Reolink cameras now and use their handy client software, making management easy.

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Which camera model specifically are you using and what software are you using ?  Is it wired or wireless as well ?

Looking to get my timelapse setup up again with an outside camera.  Too many years of using an old USB camera taped inside to a window and attached to a raspberry pi.  Looking for a stable outside camera that will get the job done.  I basically just need to query it for snapshots periodically.  I already have the setup to stitch things together into timelapses with overlaid conditions etc....


--- Quote from: vinceskahan on August 19, 2024, 03:32:56 PM ---
--- Quote from: ValentineWeather on June 30, 2024, 09:41:54 AM ---Added a Reolink streaming camera to the website, I have all Reolink cameras now and use their handy client software, making management easy.

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Which camera model specifically are you using and what software are you using ?  Is it wired or wireless as well ?

Looking to get my timelapse setup up again with an outside camera.  Too many years of using an old USB camera taped inside to a window and attached to a raspberry pi.  Looking for a stable outside camera that will get the job done.  I basically just need to query it for snapshots periodically.  I already have the setup to stitch things together into timelapses with overlaid conditions etc....

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The only software is the Reolink client. Yes, went with wired Ethernet cable for a smooth stream, the camera being used is the  RLC-811WA. Have 7 cameras, all are wireless except this one. 

Hey Randy.

Are you in a drought out there?
The grass in the steaming west cam is brown.

It's been dry (15.55") on the year, only about 2" behind but all during the summer months with July only about .44" and .55" for August, so in the 10 years I've been back these are the 2 driest summer months.  That grass is generally yellow anyway.  We aren't severe or anything, some of the driest years were in the late 1880s and again in the 1930s when only 11-13" fell all year.


--- Quote from: ValentineWeather on June 30, 2024, 09:41:54 AM ---The only software is the Reolink client. Yes, went with wired Ethernet cable for a smooth stream, the camera being used is the  RLC-811WA. Have 7 cameras, all are wireless except this one.

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Thanks - went with the RLC-810WA since it was cheaper and seemed to meet the needs to grab a snap occasionally via RTSP.  Like that it has modern wifi capabilities as well.  Fingers crossed....


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