Weather Station Hardware > Weather Web Cams

Reolink streaming camera

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--- Quote from: weatherdoc on September 07, 2024, 07:28:07 AM ---I stream using YouTube: with a Reolink RLC-510A. Still image here: Timelapse here:

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I steam my Reolink camera using OBS, but I find sometimes I have issues with OBS disconnecting.
Sometimes it'll stream for a week straight, others it will for a few hours. Not sure why


--- Quote from: ValentineWeather on September 06, 2024, 04:37:45 PM ---It's your call. The dashboard is slow here too, but I don't go there much, so not a biggie.

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It's not just the dashboard for me though, even the player that I embed to a webpage sometimes won't load at all. The CSS from their end seems to be glitchy as well.
There doesn't seem to be any consistency, and consistency is the most important thing.

So, I used the free month with Brownrice

My camera is offline today, I log in to find a bill for $43. It's supposed to be $14.99 a month. I haven't used anywhere near the 1TB of bandwidth, it's only at 6.7GB.
I haven't got any recordings using up space, and I am using the free 30 days of timelapses.

They can jog on if they think I am paying that.


I'm looking for suggestions regarding OBS camera properties that could improve the video quality of my wxcam stream.

I replaced my Reolink RLC-510A with a Reolink RLC-810A because the 810 is 4K while the 510 is 5MP. IPTimelapse cannot stream many 4K cameras, including the 810, so I still use IPT for creating images (, hourly timelapses (, and daily timelapses (

To create a stream, I'm using OBS but the video is blurry compared to the IPT video as shown in the screen captures here:

OBS screen capture:
 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]

IPT screen capture:
 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]

The OBS Properties Input is: rtsp://admin:password@ and here is a screen capture of the Properties window.
 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]

Any suggestions for settings I can change to clear up the blurry video in OBS?


--- Quote from: Mapantz on November 04, 2024, 08:08:26 AM ---So, I used the free month with Brownrice

My camera is offline today, I log in to find a bill for $43. It's supposed to be $14.99 a month. I haven't used anywhere near the 1TB of bandwidth, it's only at 6.7GB.
I haven't got any recordings using up space, and I am using the free 30 days of timelapses.

They can jog on if they think I am paying that.


--- End quote ---

They bill 3-months at a time. I've never had a problem and outages are rare. Stream is still running great.


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