Weather Station Hardware > Weather Station Pictures
need help deciding for my weather station
This is my ambient ws-2902 station. I've had it for a year now, but i have my eyes on a Davis Vantage Vue. I don't know if my temperature readings are entirely accurate. they usually read too cold. Could it be the station or the place its mounted because i don't want to spend 600+ on a Vantage Vue if it wont be accurate for the temperature. Its around 10 feet above my roof.
I hope this isn't an impertinent question, but how do you know that the temperature reading is not correct?
Just looking around at local PWS as shown on the Weatherunderground map, I see temperatures that vary from mine. But a local conditions vary, who is to say which is "correct"?
I have 2 completely separate systems located about 800 ft apart, and they vary from each other. No doubt the sensors have some level of variance, but local conditions vary -- even at 800 ft.
I guess that's true. There's a station one mile away from me right now and it says 75.4 mine right now says 73.9. Another by also says 75.4 so it kind of makes me think mine isn't accurate. But what do you think? Would i be good buying the vantage vue? And also there is times where mine matches exactly with the other stations nearby, usually at night.
If the difference bothers you, look to see if your system allows you to 'calibrate' the results.
:grin: One option would be to just add 1.5 degrees to your system through a calibration adjustment. :lol:
If you WANT to buy a new system, go right ahead. 8-)
But an alternative is to save your money until your existing system has a bigger problem that requires a purchase.
The primary reason I have two systems is that my house is more-or-less within a circle of trees at the top of a hill. My other system is about 70ft lower elevation in a more exposed area (wind blows harder there). But I also like that as the parts of both systems are similar, I can move components around to explore if one part has a problem. I think there is a lot to like in an Ecowitt system that has discrete parts, and I am not concerned about minor difference in readings.
I probably might just wait for a bigger problem then. Thanks for your help :grin:
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