Weather Related Organizations >

Propagation feature not working

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The propagation feature on my wxradio page does not work,  I have tried the several fixes offered in this thread from last July to no avail:

I reloaded the wxradio-V3.07 script including NWR-radios.js and refreshed the cache but no luck.  Any suggestions appreciated.  Thanks, Bill

It looks like you are missing the NWR-coverage.php script on your website -- it's returning a 404-Not Found.
That script provides the data used for the coverage and propagation displays in the map.

Thanks for taking a look, Ken. The NWR-coverage.php file actually is there along with the other radio files.  I tried deleting then reloading the file, but it still returns the 404-Not Found, as you have discovered.  However, the other NWR files do show properly when called for with no 404 error.  The radio page works properly but the NWR-coverage.php file acts as if it is not there.

Ok, you have a tough problem to solve.

Please install this update for the NWR-coverage.php -- it has additional diagnostic functions.

Let me know when it's installed and I'll try additional debugging.

Ken, the NWR-coverage.php update is now installed.


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