Weather Station Hardware > Other Weather Station Hardware
Automated Weather Station - Ongoing Build
Hi all,
I've decided to create a thread to document the progress on my new AWS.
Thus far I have acquired the tripod, enclosure boxes, and have been working to get instruments talking with the data logger. The 61302L and HMT337 communicate via serial RS-232. What's cool with the Vaisala is that you can manually set the pressure to compensate for more accurate water vapor measurements like dew point. An Arduino will read and upload data to a database on my webserver since it is cheap and incredibly low power.
Wind speed/direction, temperature, relative humidity, and dew point, as well as pressure, rainfall, and solar radiation will be measured.
Here's the tripod and the power enclosure:
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And the DAQ:
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I would have liked to use a CR23X but space did not allow using the HMT337. CR10X will suffice despite having a slower baud rate, since this will force a slower program execution hopefully negating the gradient dampening of the PRT a little bit. This particular variant of the 337 has the warmed dew point probe like ASOS which is a little higher power draw but shouldn't be a problem with a 60Ah or so SLA battery.
Update - Near Completion:
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I did end up going with the CR23X, however the HMT337 required slight modification to accommodate how large both devices were. And beside the Vaisala is the 61302L for pressure measurements. The CR10X severely limited what I was able to do data transfer wise from the logger to Arduino so I went for the 23X.
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Wire management still needs to be done but for the time being it works. I have a GPS16-HVS setting the time automatically at 00Z every day so there's no need to intervene.
Here's the station rundown from top to bottom:
R. M. Young 05103L Wind Monitor for wind speed and direction, quad plate pressure port for increasing barometric pressure measurement accuracy in wind. R. M. young 41003 Multi-Plate Radiation Shields for both the warmed HMT337 dew point probe and external PRT. The enclosures are 2 old style Campbell Scientific ENC12/14 which house a 55Ah SLA battery charged with a Campbell Scientific CH100 and Amazon 20 watt solar panel. Campbell Scientific CR23X and Vaisala HMT337 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter and R. M. Young 61302L Barometric Pressure Sensor housed together. All mounted on a Campbell Scientific CM110 tripod.
The HMT337 required the detachment of the wire glands for both T/Td probe wires so that the box could fit. Since the mounting holes were offset by 0.75", I opted to zip tie the enclosure to the back plate which seems to be working fine.
All that remains is acquiring an Arduino with a U.FL antenna socket that will be connected to a high gain directional yagi antenna as the stock MKR 1010 Wifi did not suffice range wise. The Arduino will push data every 5 seconds to my SQL database with which will allow my site to display minutely data in current and graphical displays.
Hopefully will have live data fed to my website in the coming days.
Final update until move to final location:
After trial and tribulation the AWS is finally online as of yesterday night 02/02/2024.
Yagi antenna installed for "long range" (160ft from the building) WiFi connectivity - just some $30 one I found on amazon. Was originally to use a Sparkfun ESP32 Thing Plus but the chipset was probably defective and would run a brownout boot cycle when trying to execute the WiFi communication with the antenna. Did a little research and opted for the QuinLED-ESP32. This board is incredibly high quality and should have no problem operating for long term for the station. This board did also have issues with power consumption so I put a smoothing capacitor between power and ground and that fixed the issue. As with all different boards, the programming was nuanced, and this one was no exception. After troubleshooting the issues and getting everything correctly outputting, inputting, and transmitting online, all that was left to do was plug n play the board into the system.
I made a point to design it for ease of modularity, this being no exception. Took 5 minutes to get the station online and uploading to my webserver. A simple swap of board and program updates and she was good to go.
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Next steps?
The site is a little disheveled with labels as the station location and ID have changed to TRX001/New Truxton, MO where it will permanently reside on a friends property. From there it will remain logging away until we install the infrastructure for a more robust platform in the coming year or so.
This next iteration will be a little more involved. Upon designing it I actually indirectly came to a similar conclusion to a well known AWOS manufacturer Mesotech. Their stand alone DCP design is one I look to adopt and adapt.
- 10 meter wind both mechanical and heated ultrasonic for redundancy in winter.
- 2/9 meter FARS temperature and co-located dew point probes. (Inversion/lapse rate measurements possible.)
- DCP located 2m temp/dew point HMT337 for published thermodynamic obs. (Cables will be extended so the use of FARS for PRT will be possible.)
- 3 pressure transducer redundancy.
- Rainfall (Heated in winter.)
- Solar radiation with class 1 pyranometer.
- 3m Visibility & Present weather.
DCP will utilize a CR1000 and serial to ethernet server for IoT. CR1000 for analog measurements and USR server for serial devices. These will connect to a modem with which an Arduino or some IoT device will scrap from and send to my webserver.
The sort of hierarchy I'm going for follows:
Analog sensors -> CR1000
* Wind Monitor
* Thies Clima Ultrasonic
* Fast Response Thermistors
* Setra Transducers
* Pyranometer
* Rain Gauge
Serial Devices -> USR Serial Server (4 Port RS-232/RS-485/RS-422)
* HMP155
* HMP155
* HMT337Not sure if the CR1000 will input to the server or if it will connect to the modem directly - up in the air at this point.
What's nice about the HMT is it can output a multitude of parameters including but not limited to Temperature, Relative Humidity, Dew Point, Wet Bulb Temperature, Mixing Ratio, etc. Simplifies processing requirements since the sensor itself does the processing prior to data input.
(May integrate 7 meter UVW wind measurement at some point as well for "research purposes" but that might end up being used for the radiation shield intercomparison down the road.)
Here's an example of a Mesotech AWOS:
I have big plans for the station in the coming years and look forward to documenting its progress. Incredibly blessed to be taking on one of my childhood dreams.
You can find the live station data here:
Well we haven't moved to the new location but I figured this was update worthy:
I've made a bit of an upgrade - acquired a CR1000 with the NL121 network peripheral. Changed up the placement of everything such that the data logger resides in the same enclosure as the battery and charge controller. I plan on adding a USR-W630 for ethernet to WiFi connectivity with the data logger and Arduino. The CR1000 is configured with an API of sorts through a webpage accessible via browser on your LAN. This page displays your table of choice with which the latest values for the measurement period are output. The Arduino will scrape these values from the page and construct and send a HTTPS query to a PHP script on my web server. This PHP script is in one form or another a crude API from the external device to the SQL database acting as the net between external traffic and the internal database.
Data table from CR1000:
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Both CR1000 and Arduino will be connected via ethernet to the USR device. The USR will have an external WiFi yagi antenna (probably maxrad or similar) to connect to the LAN on the property a couple hundred feet away. I figure doing away with the physical serial communications would significantly reduce data loss issues and increase overall robustness in the system, simplifying implementation.
I've sort of laid out the plan of execution of everything as a sort of two part thing:
Installation 1 consists of the 3 meter tripod with applicable battery powered instrumentation allowing for a complete suite of measurements short term. This setup will include all required instrumentation for the final DCP install with the second part of the plan. The primary goal for this will be integrating all instrumentation for the final DCP into a single cabinet that will be transferred via backplate from one designated enclosure to the other. As each specified enclosure has either 1 or 2 openings. The idea is to simply unscrew the backplate, take it out, and put it back in with all the instruments still attached to eliminate complexity. This will be done for both DCP and instrument enclosure.
Installation 2 consists of the permanent install. 10 meter tower, dedicated fixture for mounting enclosures and applicable instrumentation as well as AC available power to the site. Should be significantly less effort put into mounting everything or we hope so.
Here's the packed cabinet with data logger, charger, battery, and soon to be included ethernet to WiFi converter:
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And the instrumentation cabinet, soon to house 3 barometric pressure transducers in addition to the already HMT337:
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And a bit of a side note - I plan on temporarily deploying this station in the center of the path of totality for the April 8th solar eclipse. Think that would be really cool to archive.
The AWS is nearing completion for the April 8th, 2024 total solar eclipse. Finally acquired the pressure transducers for barometric pressure measurement, and figured out how I am mounting the pyranometer to the tripod. I opted to utilize an Apogee Instruments ST-110 thermistor temperature sensor in R. M. Young 43408 FARS for fast response temperature to supplement the lagging response of the HTM337's PRT in the Gill shield. Given this setup is temporary I am not worried about power as I will not be using the FARS operationally when semi-permanently installed.
After this event, as previously mentioned I intend on installing it on a friends property in a small town in east central Missouri where it will reside for a few years until I am ready to move forward with the permanent installation. Turns out I will be adding an addition enclosure due to the need for more battery power. The 55 Ah SLA I originally had planned on using and putting in the second polyester fiberglass reinforced enclosure will not cut it. I've opted for another of the same battery and am putting them in an aluminum enclosure I acquired a while ago. This way I will have a combined total of 110 Ah available for the station and required IoT equipment. This will get me my ~2 weeks of reserve. Power will be maintained with a 100 watt panel and adequately matching charge controller.
Here's how the pyranometer mounts - I went this route as the sensor itself weighs around 7 lbs. I did not want this thing to get any ideas. The base to unistrut mount was the perfect size for the Eppley PSP incase anyone needs to mount theirs. Lol. There were already pre-tapped 1/4-20 holes for bolts that I threaded and drilled out holes a little larger than the diameter of the bolt such that the angle of the device could be adjusted based on the position of the nuts. It's actually resting on the box the batteries are going to reside in.
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Here are the transducers mounted to the back plate, and within the enclosure:
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And R. M. Young FARS with the fast response thermistor:
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I was originally going to use the sonic temperature from the 81000 3D anemometer. However, the accuracy and general characteristics of how it behaved in low wind was discouraging so I opted for the physical sensor. Too much variation and from what I recall the accuracy was ±2°C which was far greater than what I wanted.
The next update will be an in depth discussion over components used and installation. Hoping to have that completed by the end of April assuming all goes as planned...
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