General Weather/Earth Sciences Topics > Aviation Weather
Surface Analysis Symbology
New guy; nice to know there are some other Aviation WX Nerds out there. I just passed my 50th year as a pilot, still flying professionally. I spend a bunch of my time mentoring aviators starting their careers, especially in that weather briefings are not as they were when I started. I know I will be asked this, but I don't have an answer.
In today's 09Z Analysis Chart, I see a short, green-colored cold front symbol. I've not seen green before; is there any significance to the color?
I have seen where black lines were used to describe an outflow boundary and found that in an old publication, but green is new to me.
What website did this image come from? Was it an NWS site ( or commercial?
Leidos Flight Service,
Maybe Leidos is custom creating the maps using their own color scheme?
--- Quote from: weatherdoc on September 10, 2023, 09:45:19 AM ---Maybe Leidos is custom creating the maps using their own color scheme?
--- End quote ---
Highly unlikely, as Leidos is contracted by the FAA for FSS duties, so they must use standard FAA/NWS symbology. Never saw green for a cold front, let alone it's not in a realistic position. Perhaps some weird typo.
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