Weather Related Organizations >
NWROrg Team:
Main website is experiencing issues... #-o
....workin' on it....
NWROrg Team:
2:00 EDT Most functions restored. Some streams still must be restored.
Currently, the stations listings are under-rebuild, and many have NOT been restored as yet.We hope to have most back on line on the main site, as well as the adjunct website scripts slowly. Approximately a dozen or so streams currently on the WxRadio Icecast have yet to be restored.
Please don't submit any correction forms, inquiries, or change requests until we suggest them in this thread....
Thanks!, and sorry for the problem... we still don't know exactly what occurred, but have some suspicions....
NWROrg Team:
We believe all active WxRadio Icecast streams at 10AM EDT July 13 are restored to main site listings, and therefore to the personal website app.
Some housekeeping and nit-picking will remain... you can help.
PLEASE USE the 'Request form' to correct or update YOUR stream info shown on the main site/website app. DO NOT ATTEMPT to RESPOND or Inquire HERE, PM, or email... We will only address issues submitted through the 'request form'.
1: SOME links for provider weather web pages/sites may have been lost. Submit form to request a correction.
2: SOME streams may have an incorrect, or 'no' 'provider' attribution. Submit form to request a correction.
3. At least 2 streams on the Icecast server are connecting with an incorrect mountpoint name... and therefore are NOT listed on the stream listings... the mount name should follow the exact format specified those are:
...Athelstane Weather...Wausaukee has incorrect mount name... wrong Station Number in mount name. Should be WNG553 instead of WNG533. Please correct and submit...
'unknown' Grand Rapids is connecting with '.mp3' in mount name. Remove that, and submit.
Most 'third party' servers will have been eliminated.
Any 'personal' SSL server streams used as 'alternates' may or may not have been recovered. Please check yours.
Remaining potential issues...
IF YOUR FEED WAS NOT ACTIVE as of 10:00am EDT today, (July 13, 2023) IT IS NOT LISTED.
You must reconnect and submit as a NEW STREAM... sorry.
IF your primary feed was listed from some commercial third party server, , sorry. It will generally NOT be reinstated.
IF your 'ALT' feed was from your OWN SSL server, it should have remained intact, but some may have to be re-submitted.
QRA: IT is possible that the data corruption has interferred with QRA subscriptions. Please check your status.
IF YOUR FEED was NOT online at 10:00am EDT today, it has been de-listed, AND IF you subscribed to QRA, then you must re-subscribe:
QRA Subscription Form
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