Weather Software > GRLevel X Software
Generate your own METAR placefile for GRLevelX
I've been working with Mike Davis of NWS Nashville to develop a fast/low overhead placefile generator, and we've wrapped up the project. The data comes from 2 files hosted on and a placefile generator to be used in a GRLevelX placefile manager window.
Sample display:
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The scripts run on your personal weather website and do require two cron jobs: a daily one to get the metadata, and a every 10 minute one for the data. The placefile generator script uses the data gathered by the two scripts to produce a rich display with mouse-over details for METARs within 300 miles of your current radar site.
See the instructions, and download from
I tried this on my site. Great idea, but the output is way, way to cluttered to be of use in New England. To many METAR sites and the output METAR graphics are too large.
I use the Red Team Weather placefiles, just the temperature rather than the full METAR. That works for me, but I would like to generate my own of course.
Picture the new script output in the place of what you see there.
Since I open-sourced the code on GitHub, you are free to make a copy and modify it to your needs.
You can comment-out parts of the code where extra things (like dewpoint, wind barb, gust barb, visibility, heat-index/wind-chill are displayed) and just leave the condition icon and temperature for display on your GRLevel3 display. Leaving the condition icon would still allow you to mouse-over it to show the popup with the full conditions display.
Good news! I'll give it a go.
Done! Success
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