Weather Software > VP Tools (Virtual VP, VP Live, and VP Tools)

Virtual VP and Weatherlink 6.0.5

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--- Quote from: Dador on March 01, 2023, 02:39:02 PM ---The configuration I'm using:

- Davis console with software 3.88;
- USB logger from Davis;
- Setup -> WeatherLink Network - enter your ID and key available on your weatherlink account;

--- End quote ---

In your case it works for you because you can send via TCP/IP. I don't have that option checked. A configuration similar to yours has worked perfectly for me, with the only difference that I used virtual serial port emulator (VPSE) creating paired ports and then with VPP. Until I update the firmware of the console, which is when the errors start, so the only solution has been to downgrade to the original version and everything works again


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