Weather Software > RaspberryPI Weather Software
Qui peux m'aider ?
UN raspberry pi m'a été livré il y a quelque jour et j'essai de le configurer.
ma maitrise de la langue anglaise est loin d'être parfaite, elle est même presque nulle.
le "pi" me demande un login et un mot de passe.
Je n'ai rien mis de la sorte dans la config.
j'ai mis "pi" et "raspburry"
et plein d'autres combinaison mais rien n'y a fait.
Qui peux m'aider ?
A bientôt
Who can help me?
A raspberry pi was delivered to me a few days ago and I am trying to configure it.
my mastery of the English language is far from perfect, it is even almost nil.
the "pi" asks me for a login and password.
I didn't put anything like that in the config.
I put "pi" and "raspburry"
and many other combinations but nothing worked.
Who can help me?
Hello and welcome to the forums.
the default "Raspberry Pi OS" username and password are:
Username: pi
password: raspberry
you might want to download the OS image and try again.:
et merci pour votre réponse.
Ce sont les logins et passworld que je met.
et j'obtiens login incorrect
J'ai essayé de formatter la carte et de la reconfiguré mais ça ne change pas.
Que puis je faire de plus.
and thank you for your response.
These are the logins and passworld that I put.
and I get incorrect login
I tried formatting the card and reconfiguring it but no change.
What more can I do.
I suggest finding a Raspberry Pi forum in your native language to help you with this. You are not having a weather-specific problem, and there are plenty of Raspberry Pi forums around the world who can help you better than we can.....
Merci de votre reponse.
je vais chercher un forum PI, en langue francaise.
Voulez me rendre service.
PaulMy m'a aidé à mettre en ligne mon site sans lui il ne serai pas aussi bien.
Pouvez vous lui transmettre mon message. PaulMy est sur ""
" Bonjour Paul,
je ne peux t'écrire ou te parler, mais j'essai tout les jours.
La seule réponse que j'obtiens est "You have exceeded the maximum number of registration attempts for this session. Please try again later."
Je suis désolé de vous embêter mais je n'ai pas de solution de rechange.
Pouvez nvous encore une fois m'aider.
A bientôt
Thank you for your reply.
I will look for a PI forum, in French.
Want to do me a favor.
PaulMy helped me put my site online without him it wouldn't be as good.
Can you forward my message to him. PaulMy is on ""
" Good-morning Paul,
I can't write to you or talk to you, but I try every day.
The only response I get is "You have exceeded the maximum number of registration attempts for this session. Please try again later."
I'm sorry to bother you but I don't have an alternative.
Can you help me again.
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