Weather Software > Other Weather Software
WUHU and Lacrosse 23XX
In a recent version of WUHU, it mentions that HeavyWeather needs to also be running. Later, it mentions WS-23XX users have the option of running WUHU in direct serial mode. In this mode, Heavyweather is no longer required. Anyone know how to do this???
I am very interested in running WUHU without having to run HeavyWeather as HW is a resource hog. Can WUHU access and upload data without HeavyWeather running?
Absolutely. Here is how you do it: (make sure you have the latest version before attempting this)
Go into HW and go to "options". Find which COM port you are using. Then, completely exit HW and go into WUHU. In the "General Settings" dialog, select the option "WS23XX Direct Serial Access" and next to that, indicate which COM port you are using. Then, click "Start", and it should do it for you!
It works great for me! If you have any questions, just reply back. Also, welcome to the forum! :D
MODS: You might want to move this thread to the WUHU Software section.
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