Weather Related Organizations > CWOP Forum
CWOP Tier 2 Servers Have Withdrawn
Anyone posting data to CWOP using the Tier 2 servers need to change your settings, as the Tier 2 servers are offline. Only the core servers are currently in service. Things may change, but that's the present status.
Russ Chadwick from NOAA posted the following message on the CWOP QC message list a little while ago:
"As of a few hours ago, the Tier 2 operators abruptly withdrew support
for CWOP traffic through their servers. We're sorry for any
inconvenience this causes CWOP members, but you will have to change the server designation in your local software. More details at
Available servers at present are: : port 14580 - - - Dave, KG4YZY - - - Tampa Bay, FL (Core 3) : port 14580 - - - Gerry, N5JXS - - - College Station, TX (Core 1) : port 14580 - - - connects to a Core APRS-IS server and rotates to a different one if that connection drops. : port 14580 - - - Greg, WB6ZSU - - - Irvine, CA (Core 2)
The server is probably the best choice at present.
Mark / Ohio:
I switched my VP Live over to : port 14580
All seems to be well again. I seen the email from Russ a couple of hours ago and found they had not received my data for four hours.
This Calvin quote seems an especially fitting description of the server operators at the moment:
"A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day."
P.S. Good to hear from you Gary!
W7DRM (old call was W3DRM):
--- Quote from: "Mark / Ohio" ---I switched my VP Live over to : port 14580
All seems to be well again. I seen the email from Russ a couple of hours ago and found they had not received my data for four hours.
This Calvin quote seems an especially fitting description of the server operators at the moment:
"A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day."
P.S. Good to hear from you Gary!
--- End quote ---
And of course, guess who suffers from that "drama"? We, the users who have no control over anything... :cry:
VPLive should have detected the failure of the tier 2 servers and switched automatically to the core servers, but there was, unfortunately a bug in the error detection. I have uploaded a new version of VPLive to fix that bug and also change the default servers.
Also, the tier 2 servers switched from taking data on port 23 to taking it via port 14850. For now, VPLive 1.1.6 is using the core servers as the primary, and the tier 2 servers as failovers.
--- Quote from: "Mark / Ohio" ---I switched my VP Live over to : port 14580
--- End quote ---
Having watched over the QC list for the past few days, what is being said about Windows and DNS servers preventing the proper use of the rotate server does make sense to me.
Have you guys already disabled DNS caching when using the rotate server?
PS - I found this page that goes in to detail on how to disable your DNS caching on a Windows 2000 or XP machine.
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