Weather Software > Other Weather Software

Sky Alert (Lerasoft)


Anybody know what happened?  The entire site is down with a note about the LLC being dissolved.  The Sky Alert page is "under construction", sort of.

I was just beginning to try and use it at our new site, but was getting an "Unhandled Exception" error and a bunch of Java gobbledy-gook which might as well have been heiroglyphics as far as my trying to understand it.

Could just be a PC or software issue at my end, not sure.  Then I found the site down and wondered if the software needed to reference something on their site in order to work properly.

There is a support email address listed on the site shutdown notice, but I thought I'd check with y'all first.

If this is truly dead and gone, I need to find something else (other than a weather radio)  that will give an audible alert (ie. a .wav file) for EAS activations and can be configured by FIPS code and warning/watch type.

Here is truely a great piece of software that beats NWR Tones by 10 sec.
And you can run a live feed by subscribing to.



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