Weather Software > RaspberryPI Weather Software
Would Weatherlink run on a Pi???
This is more a question out of curiosity than perhaps a serious proposition, especially considering the amount of good native weather station software that runs on the Pi already like CMX, MB, weewx etc. But I see that the team porting Windows 10 to the Pi continues to make good progress:
Given that this latest version seems to be able to run at least some x86 applications (albeit it's mostly games and video playback that seem to have been tried), there's an obvious question about whether Weatherlink for Windows might run. Be interesting to hear the result if anyone has the time/inclination to try it.
One question in my mind is what Microsoft think about this. The available port downloads don't appear to be officially sanctioned by MS but they must be well aware of what's being done and seem to be taking no steps to stop the effort. Perhaps they're as interested as anyone in seeing how it turns out?
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