Web Weather > Weather Website PHP/AJAX scripting
So what happens if you change true to false in that line
When I commented it out altogether I lost the cURL header but also the first 4 characters ":Pro" of the text, so the title started "duct" instead of "Product" :-)
I think I could have overcome that, but mine host has suggested other alterations to the script and it seems to be OK now :grin:
Current script looks for a line break between cURL header and data, but in my case (using proxy) I seem to have two headers so I got the second header info reproduced. Change wxspace.php (around line 535 in Notepad++):
--- Code: --- $i = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n");
$headers = substr($data,0,$i);
$content = substr($data,$i+4);
--- End code ---
--- Code: --- $i = $cinfo['header_size'];
$headers = substr($data,0,$i);
$content = substr($data,$i);
--- End code ---
Anyone getting Error 018 on two of the images?
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Error 018: fetching timestamp failed for URL (remote_image) 404 not found?
I spoke too soon.
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Seems its at least updated with an explaination.
The place that processes and distributes the images had a broken water pipe and a flood and is off-line for a time while they make repairs. They'll be back, they say.
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