Weather Station Hardware > Barani Design Weather Stations and Accessories
Meteorain Compact 200 Bird Spikes
Is there a USA site available to purchase the Bird Spikes for Meteorain Compact 200? I received mine but the spikes were not available for order when I ordered mine. I had assumed they were included. Now when I try to order the spikes from the Barani site, it charges me €100.00 shipping on €12.00 part in the cart? I assume this is a mistake?
Shipping direct from Europe is expensive. You can also order from our USA distributors here: or please just email us at
New products take a few weeks to get sent out across the world. We will soon add all new hardware to the site as soon as they are available in the US.
Feel free to email us pictures of bird poop in your rain gauge funnel. We designed the sieve to be very resistant to plugging. If you can plug it with naturally occurring debris, email us and we will reward you with hardware :-) In our testing we were not able to get the funnel plugged in a naturally occurring way, so the MeteoRain in this sense should be maintenance-free. What you may notice is that the sieve is designed to work better with some dirt/dust present.
We value feedback so please email us. The more feedback we have the better :-)
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