Weather Related Organizations >
Use of Windy data on your own site
Please up vote so we can get some serious attention. One of the admin said that yes they can work on that!
I added a windy map to my test site. I may have to add it to the main site since WU has not updated maps for ages.
I am thinking about deleting the WU page except for fronts map
Grumpy Patzer:
Good morning folks
Does anybody know if there has been any progress with this? (I realise that this thread is from over a year ago.)
I have just set up a new Davis VP2 weather station here in the Scottish Highlands, and would like to connect it to one or two personal weather station networks. I was considering Weather Underground and PWS Weather, because they both give access to their respective APIs for forecast data; I would like to have such access in order to obtain forecast data for a weather station web page that I will attempt to create, probably based on the weather34 template.
However, I just discovered (superb UI!), and then came across this thread and the linked “PWS use of data” thread in the forum, but can’t find anything more recent. It would be great if were to provide API access to PWS data submitters (similar to what WU and the AerisWeather contributor plan provide), and I posted a question about this in the “Windy Stations” category on the forum, but have not received a reply as yet (I am, I admit, Mr Impatient). At the very least, it should not be too difficult to add an iframe or two to embed map images, but it would also be interesting to access their forecast data.
So if anybody can shed any light on this, I would be grateful.
Thanks & warm regards ....
--- Quote from: chief-david on May 02, 2019, 09:38:25 AM ---I added a windy map to my test site. I may have to add it to the main site since WU has not updated maps for ages.
I am thinking about deleting the WU page except for fronts map
--- End quote ---
You might want to delete that obsolete page. It says: "You need to install v8, or greater, of Flash Player from Adobe and have javascript enabled to view Weather Display Live."
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