Web Weather > Custom Website Templates
Saratoga Template Script issues?? Try this before reporting a problem...
If you're having an issue with one or more scripts in the Saratoga template set (USA, Canada, World) and something that was working is now not working, try running (on your website):
It will show the version levels of core scripts v.s. what you have installed, and give you a link (if needed) to the update tool page with query info. Using the update tool page will generate a .zip just for you that contains all the needed updates and quick instructions on how to install each script.
If running check-fetch-times.php?show=versions on your site just shows a series of fetch tests, then you have an old version of that software.
Download a fresh copy from here, upload to your site, then run check-fetch-times.php?show=versions again.
You'll be glad you did, and you can save a posting on the forum or an email to me for some other issue not fixed by the above.
Best regards,
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