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PHP for WRH NOAA forecast updated
This script is a modification of the carterlake NOAA 5-day forecast script especially for the Western-Region weather stations (CA, NV, AZ, UT, ID, MT, OR, WA). It uses a new set of customized icons with PoP displayed like the www.crh.noaa.gov website used by Tom's script.
I've updated the script to have a couple of useful features:
1) the code generated is now XHTML 1.0-Strict (even though the pages from www.wrh.noaa.gov are not)
2) a new $doPrintNWS variable allows you to include quietly but get full access to the individual forecast parts so you can sprinkle them on your page as you like.
Version 1.02 is available at http://saratoga-weather.org/scripts-WRHforecast.php?#WRHforecast
Best regards,
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